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Active Ingredient: Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9% w/v EC (9.3% w/w)

Pack sizes: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre


Late-emerging grasses and weeds can significantly reduce crop yield by competing with your plants for nutrients in the soil. Traditional chemical-based herbicides used by farmers for weed control can damage the crop, while manual weeding increases labour costs. Bayer’s Whip Super herbicide is an excellent choice for managing late-emerging grassy weeds such as echinochloa spp.

Whip Super herbicide contains fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, which offers effective weed control against a variety of grasses. It is effective in crops such as soybean, cotton, black gram, onion, groundnut, and rice.

Recommended for

Protects against

Echinochloa colonum

Echinochloa crusgalli

Digitaria spp.

Eleusine indica

Setaria sp.

Bracharia sp.

Echinochloa spp

Eleusine indica

Dactyloctenium aegyptium

Eragrotis minor

How it works?

Whip Super is a selective herbicide that acts against echinochloa spp. and other grassy weeds growing in crops like soybean, cotton, black gram, onion, groundnut, and rice. 

It is a quick-absorbing post- emergence herbicide with broad-spectrum action. The weed killer can be applied on any soil type.

Mode of action

The active ingredient of Whip Super, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, is quickly taken up by the leaves and stems of grassy weeds. Biochemically, Whip Super predominantly inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids in the meristem tissues of grassy weeds.

 This disturbs the normal growth and development of the weeds, ultimately leading to their death.


Features and benefits of Whip Super

Some of the benefits include

Offers a flexible application window and effective control at low dosages, targeting annual grassy weeds from the two-leaf to mid-tillering stage.

It is a versatile herbicide, suitable for all major broad-leaved crops, and has a broad-spectrum activity against different kinds of weeds.

Whip Super works independently of soil type, and is absorbed through green plant tissues, ensuring weed control is not affected by different soil types.

Whip Super is rapidly broken down in the soil, so there is no possibility of damage to either mono or dicotyledonous crops grown in the following season.

How to Apply Whip Super

Soybean: Apply 15-20 days after sowing, when weeds are at the 3-4 leaf stage.

Rice: Apply 10-15 days after transplanting rice, when weeds are in the 4-5 leaf stage.

Blackgram: Apply 15-20 days after sowing, when weeds are at 3-4 leaf stage.

Cotton: Apply 20-25 days after sowing.

Groundnut: Apply 10-15 days after sowing, when weeds are in 2-4 leaf stage.

Onion: Apply when weeds are in the 3-4 leaf stage.

Use a knapsack sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle.

  1. Barnyard grass:

   (a) Echinochloa colonum,

   (b) Echinochloa crusgalli

  1. Crab grass: Digitaria sp.,
  2. Crow’s foot grass: Eleusine indica,
  1. Setaria sp.,
  2.  Bracharia sp.

Formulation (g) 1111

Water (litre) 250-300

Waiting Period*

100 days


Echinochloa colonum, Echinochloa crusgalli


Formulation (g) 625

Water (litre) 300-375

Waiting Period*

70 days


Echinochloa spp, Eleusine indica, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Eragrotis minor


Formulation (g) 750

Water (litre) 375-500

Waiting Period*

87 days


Echinochloa spp.


Formulation (g) 875

Water (litre) 375

Waiting Period*

89 days

Black gram

Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum, Digitaria sp., Dactyloctenium aegyptium


Formulation (g) 625-750

Water (litre) 375-500

Waiting Period*

43 days


Echinochloa colonum, Dactyloctenium aegyptium


Formulation (g) 875

Water (litre) 375

Waiting Period*

10 days

*Waiting Period between last application and harvest (PHI)

Not to be used on crops other than specified in above table.


Find answers to all your questions

Whip Super is applied at different stages depending on the crops it is sprayed on:

  • Soybean: Apply 15-20 days after sowing, when weeds are at the 3–4 leaf stage.
  • Rice: 10–15 days after transplanting rice,at 4-5 leaf stages.
  • Blackgram: 15-20 days after sowing, at 3–4 leaf stages.
  • Cotton: 20–25 days after sowing.
  • Groundnut: 10-15 days after sowing, at the 2-4 leaf stage.
  • Onion: at 3–4 leaf stages.

Whip super herbicide is best suited for crops such as soybean, cotton, black gram, onion, groundnut and rice.

Download resources

Whip® Super Marketing Banner (Desktop)
Whip® Super Marketing Banner (Mobile)

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