Works best for: Chillies | Onion |Rice
Protects against: Sheath Blight | Leaf | Neck Blast | Powdery mildew | Anthracnose | Purple blotch
Works best for: Cotton, Rice (Paddy), Okra, Cucumber, Tomato, Potato
Protects against: Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Brown Plant Hoppers, White Backed Plant Hoppers, Whiteflies
Works best for: Rice/ Paddy – nursery, transplanted, or direct-seeded.
Protects against: Echinochloa crusgalli | Echinochloa colonum | Ischaemum rugosum | Cyperus difformis | Cyperus iria | Fimbristylis milliacea | Eclipta alba | Ludwigia parviflora | Monochoria vaginalis | Alternanthera philoxeroides | Sphenoclea zeylanica
Works best for: Cotton, Rice (Paddy), Brinjal, Tea, Chilli, Soybean, Apple
Protects against: Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Whiteflies, Stem Borer, Shoot Borer & Fruit Borer, Mosquito Bug, Girdle Beetle
Works best for: Grapes | Cardamom | Tomato
Protects against: Downy mildew | Azhukal disease | damping off
Works best for: Tea | Grapes
Protects against: Ageratum sp. | Borreria sp. | Eleusine inidica | Parthenium hysterophorus | Cynadon dactylon | Cyperus rotundus | Euphorbia sp. | Amaranthus sp.
Works best for: Apple | Pomegranate | Potato | Chilli | Tomato | Grapes | Rice | Cotton
Protects against: Scab | Leaf and Fruit Spot | Early & Late Blight | Dieback | Buck eye rot |Downy Mildew | Brown leaf spot (Helminthosporium oryzae) | Narrow leaf spot (Cercospora oryzae) | Alternaria Leaf spot
Works best for: Wheat
Protects against: Phalaris minor | Medicago denticulanta | Chenopodium album | Melilotus sp. | Rumex sp. | Anagallis arvensis | Coronopus didymus | Lathyrus aphaca | Fumaria parviflora
Works best for: Chilli, Rice (Paddy), Tea
Protects against: Thrips, Fruit Borer, Yellow Stem Borer, Leaf Folder, Mosquito Bug, Semilooper
Works best for: Wheat | Cabbage | Rice | Tomatoes | Chillies | Grapes | Coffee | Apple | Soybean | Onions | Groundnuts
Protects against: Yellow Rust | Powdery mildew | Alternaria Leaf Spot | Leaf blight | Sheath Blight | Tikka leaf spot | Early blight | Anthracnose | Cercospora | leaf spots | Purple blotch | Stemphylium blight | Leaf spots (Alternaria, Cercospora & Myrothecium) | Marssonina leaf blotch (Premature leaf fall) | Leaf rust
Works best for: Cotton, Rice, Chilli, Sugarcane, Mango, Sunflower, Okra, Citrus, Groundnut, Grape, Tomato
Protects against: Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Whiteflies, Brown Plant Hoppers, White Backed Plant Hoppers, Green Leaf Hopper, Termite, Psylla, Flea Beetle
Works best for: Cotton, Rice (Paddy), Chilli
Protects against: Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Brown Plant Hoppers, White Backed Plant Hoppers
Works best for: Rice/Paddy
Protects against: Echinochloacolona | Echinochloacrusgalli | Cyperus rotundus | Cyperus difformis | Fimbristylismiliaceae | Marsilea quadrifolia | Digera arvensis | Commelinabenghalensis
Works best for: Rice (Paddy)
Protects against: Brown Plant Hoppers, White Backed Plant Hoppers
Works best for: Cotton | Tea | Okra | Tomato | Rice (Paddy) | Chilli | Onion
Protects against: Bollworm | Fruit Borer | Thrips | Leaf Folder | Stem Borer | Whorl Maggot | Green Leaf Hopper
Works best for: Cotton | Tea | Okra | Groundnut | Chilli | Mango | Brinjal | Red Gram
Protects against: Bollworm | Sucking Insects | Jassids | Thrips | Leaf Roller | Looper | Shoot & Fruit Borer | Leaf Miner | Hoppers | Pod Borer
Works best for: Cotton
Purpose: Manage vegetative growth in cotton crops
Works best for: Potato
Protects against: Black Scurf (Rhizoctonia solani)
Works best for: Mango | Pineapple | Coffee (Arabica &Robusta) | Tomato | Rubber | Pomegranate
Purpose: Breaking alternate bearing tendencies | Flower induction | Post-harvest treatment | Uniform ripening of coffee berries | Yielding rubber latex | Defoliation for better flowering & fruit yield
Works best for: Groundnut | Soyabean | Cotton | Bengal Gram
Protects against: Seed and Seedling Rot Diseases
Works best for: Cotton| Okra | Tomato | Brinjal | Rice / Paddy | Chilli | Cabbage| Pigeon Pea | Black Gram | Bengal Gram | Soybean | Maize | Gherkin | Cardamom
Protects against: American and Spotted Bollworm | Stem Borer | Fruit Borer | Leaf Folder | Pod Borer | Diamond Back Moth | Defoliators | Capsule Borer
Works best for: Cucumber | Chickpea
Protects against: Cucumber Beetle | Fruit fly | Pod Borer
Works best for: Rice | Chilli | Groundnut | Onion | Black Gram | Soybean
Protects against: Blast | Sheath Blight | Powdery Mildew | Fruit Rot | Tikka | Rust | Purple blotch | Anthracnose (Pod blight) | Leaf spots (Cercospora and Anthracnose)
Works best for: Cotton | Okra | Sunflower | Sorghum | Pearl Millet | Soybean | Rice | Maize | Potato | Wheat | Bengal gram | Green Pea
Protects against: Aphids | Whiteflies | Jassids, Thrips | Shoot Fly | Termites | Shoot Flies
Works best for: Cotton
Protects against: Carpet weed (Trianthema Spp.) | DigeraSpp, Plummed Cockscomb (Celosia argentia) | Viper grass (Dinebraretroflexa) | Crabgrass (Digitaria marginata)
Works best for: Paddy
Protects against: Brown Plant Hopper | White Backed Plant Hopper
Works best for: Wheat | Rice
Protects against: Chenopodium album | Melilotus indica | Melilotus alba | Medicago denticulate | Lathyrus aphaca | Anagallis arvensis | Vicia sativa | Circiumarvense | Rumex sp. | Malwa Sp. | Ludwigia parviflora | Digera arvensis | Phyllanthus niruri | Spilanthessp | Eclipta alba | Cyperus sp
Works best for: Potato | Cucumber
Protects against: Late Blight | Downy mildew
Works best for: Rice Paddy | Grape | Onion | Cabbage | Chilli | Cotton
Protects against: Stem Borer | Leaf Folder | Thrips | Diamond Back Moth
Works best for: Maize/ Corn
Protects against: Echinochloa sp.| Trianthemaportulacastrum | Bracharia sp.
Works Best for: Sugarcane | Groundnut | Cotton
Protects against: White Grub | Jassids | Thrips
Works best for: Chillies | Onions | Apple | Grapes | Rice
Protects against: Powdery Mildew | Anthracnose | Marssonina leaf blotch | Alternaria | leaf spot | Fruit rot | False smut | Dirty Panicle | Post-harvest Diseases (Black mold and neck rot)
Works best for: Grapes | Tomatoes | Potatoes
Protects against: Early and Late blight | Downy Mildew
Works best for: Wheat | Maize/Corn | Soybean
Protects against: Phalaris minor | Echinochloacrusgalli | Eleusine indica | Phyllanthus niruri | Echinochloacolonum | Celosia argentia | Trianthemaportulacastrum | Amarthanusviridis | Digeria arvensis
Works Best for: Chilli | Grapes | Okra | Cotton
Protects against: Aphids | Thrips | Mealy Bugs | Mites | Whiteflies
Works Best for: Brinjal | Mango | Grapes | Okra | Cotton
Protects against: Mealy Bugs | Red Spider Mites | Thrips | Whiteflies
Works best for: Rice | Tomato | Wheat | Mango| Grape | Chilli| Cotton | Banana | Maize | Cabbage | Gherkin | Soybean | Groundnut | Blackgram | Tea| Cowpea | Onion | Coffee | Cumin | Okra
Protects against: Early blight | Glume discoloration | False smut & brown leaf spots | Powdery mildew | Antharcnose | Altemaria leaf spot | Premature leaf fall | Sigatoka leaf spot | Tikka leaf spot | Purple blotch | Rust | Cercospora leaf spot
Works Best for: Brinjal | Apple | Chilli | Tea | Okra | Tomato | Cotton | Cucumber
Protects against: Mites | Red Spider Mites | European Red Mite | Yellow Mite | Whiteflies
Works best for: Pineapple | Tomato | Chilli | Mango | Cotton | Grapes
Purpose: Induce flowering and uniform growth | Increase fruit size | Delay maturity | Increase size and weight of berries
Works best for: Grapes
Protects against: Downy mildew
Works best for: Rice | Wheat
Protects against: Loose Smut | Bakane / Foot rot | Brown leaf spot
Works best for: Rice | Maize
Protects against: Stem Borer | Leaf Folder
Works Best for: Rice | Wheat | Sugarcane
Protects against: Stem Borer | Leaf Folder | Termites | Early Shoot Borer
Works Best for: Rice | Cotton | Okra | Brinjal
Protects against: Brown Plant Hopper | White Backed Plant Hopper | Green Leaf Hopper | Aphids | Thrips | Jassids | Whitefly
Works best for: Grapes
Protects against: Powdery Mildew (Erysiphenecator)
Works best for: Rice/ Paddy — transplanted and direct seeded
Protects against: Echinochloa sp. / Barnyard grass
Works best for: Tea | Non-cropped areas | Rice – pre-plant application
Protects against: Axonopus compressus | Cynodon dactylon | Imperata cylindrica | Polygonum perfoliatum | Paspalum scrobiculatum | Arundinella bengalensis | Kalm grass | Sorghum halepense| Echinocloa crusgalli | Echinocloa colonum | Cyperus iria | Eclipta alba | Marsilea quadrifolia | Other dicot and monocot weeds in general
Works best for: Weed control in non-cropped areas | General
Protects against: Datura Metel | Parthenium Hysterophorus | Ageratum conyzoides | Alternanthera sessilis | Echinochloa spp. | Eclipta alba | Ischaemumrugosum | Setaria spp. | Commelina spp. | Cyperus spp.
Works best for: Wheat | Tomato | Soybean | Potato | Sugarcane
Protects against: Cyperus rotundus | Cynodon dactylon | Asfodelus fistulosis | Chenopodium album | Convolvulus arvensis | Portulaca oleracea | Analgalis arvensis | Cichorium intybus | Echinochloa colonum | Dactyloctenium aegyptium | Parthenium hysterophorus | Commelina spp. | Trianthema monogyna | Fumaria parviflora | Melilotus spp. | Phalaris minor | Trianthema portulacastrum | Amaranthus viridis | Gynandropsis pentaphylla | Digera arvensis | Euphorbia prostrata | Ageratum conyzoides | Eleusine indica | Setaria glauca | Commelina benghalensis | Digitaria spp. | Cyperus esculentus | Cyperus campestris | Borreria spp. | Eragrostis spp.
Works best for: Okra | Tea
Protects against: Jassids | Whitefly | Mosquito Bug
Works best for: Brinjal | Soybean | Cotton | Chilli
Protects against: Aphids | Jassids | Shoot and Fruit Borer | Girdle Beetle | Semilooper | Whitefly | Thrips
Works best for: Sugarcane | Rice/Paddy
Protects against: Fimbristylis miliacea | Cyperus difformis | Cyperus iria | Scirpus sp. | Eclipta alba | Monochoria vaginalis | Marsilea quadrifolia | Ammania baccifera | Cyperus rotundus
Works best for: Rice / Paddy | Soybean
Protects against: Yellow Stem Borer | Leaf Folder | Girdle Beetle | Spodoptera | Semilooper
Works best for: Tomato | Cucumber
Protects against: Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)
Works best for: Soybean | Cotton | Black Gram | Onion | Groundnut | Rice
Protects against: Echinochloa colonum | Echinochloa crusgalli | Digitaria sp. | Eleusine indica |Setaria sp. | Bracharia sp. | Echinochloa spp | Eleusine indica | Dactyloctenium aegyptium | Eragrotis minor