Active Ingredient: Propineb 70% WP
Pack sizes: 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 Kg
Fungal diseases in crops can damage crops and lead to lower yields. Nutrient deficiencies, especially zinc, can contribute to crop diseases. Bayer’s Antracol, a zinc-powered fungicide, solves this problem by protecting crops from fungal diseases and boosting yields.
Bayer’s Antracol fungicide contains propineb and zinc, which help protect crops from fungal diseases and increase harvests. It protects crops like apples, pomegranate, potatoes, chillies, tomatoes, grapes, rice, and cotton from diseases like scab leaf and fruit spots, dieback, and more. It also increases crop harvests, helping farmers achieve profitable crop yields.
Antracol, a zinc-based fungicide with propineb, protects crops from fungal diseases in fruits, vegetables, and cereals.
The zinc in Antracol turns crops greener, improves quality, and increases overall harvests through the ‘LeafCare‘ concept developed by Bayer.
The propineb in Antracol disturbs fungal metabolism at multiple points. Upon application, Antracol interferes with the normal functioning of the fungi present on the crops.
This leads to the inability of the fungi to grow and survive. Additionally, the zinc present promotes a clean and green appearance of the leaf, which leads to a higher yield for the crop.
Some of the benefits include
It has a broad spectrum of activity.
Has both contact and preventive action on fungal pathogens.
Combats and prevents resistance to fungal pathogens due to its multi-site complex fungicide mode of action.
Superior formulation with a fine particle size that mixes well in water.
Does not get completely washed off during rains, leading to high effectiveness.
Contains zinc for overall crop improvement and increased plant immunity, resulting in higher yields and improved quality.
Antracol possesses low toxicity, making it ideal for integrated pest management (IPM) programs.
Antracol should be applied as a protectant fungicide.
Formulation (g) 0.30% or 300 g/100 Litre water
Water (litre) As required depending on the size of the tree and plant protection equipment used
30 days
Leaf Spot and Fruit Spot
Formulation (g) 0.30% or 300 g/100 Litre water
Water (litre) -do-
10 days
Early & Late Blight
Formulation (g) 0.30% or 300 g/100 Litre water
Water (litre) As required depending upon crop stage and plant protection equipment used
15 days
Formulation (g) 0.5% or 500g/100 Litre water
Water (litre) -do-
10 days
Buck eye rot
Formulation (g) 0.30% or 300g/100 Litre water
Water (litre) -do-
10 days
Downy Mildew
Formulation (g) 0.30% or 300g/100 Litre water
Water (litre) -do-
40 days
Brown leaf spot, (Helminthosporium oryzae) and Narrow leaf spot (Cercospora oryzae)
Formulation (g) 1500-2000 g
Water (litre) Use 500 Litre spray volume/ hectare
Alternaria Leaf spot
Formulation (g) 1250-1500 g
Water (litre) 500 Litre / hectare
27 days
*Waiting Period between last application and harvest (PHI)
Not to be used on crops other than the ones specified in the table.
Find answers to all your questions
Antracol is a crop protection fungicide offering broad-spectrum activity against various diseases like scab, leaf and fruit spot, dieback, and more in crops like apple, pomegranate, potato, chilli, tomato, grapes, rice, and cotton. It also contains zinc, which helps increase plants immunity against various diseases and increases overall harvests.
Yes, Antracol is toxic to aquatic organisms; hence, it should not be used near water bodies, aquaculture, or pisciculture areas.
Yes. Antracol is extremely low in toxicity, making it ideal for integrated pest management (IPM) programs.
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