The method in which seeds are sown directly in the main field instead of transplanting the rice seedlings is commonly referred to as direct seeding. There are two different types of package of practices: Dry DSR and Wet DSR methods Generally, Farmers having good irrigation can go for wet DSR method.
Nowadays if farmers are facing labour issues in transplanting rice are searching for alternate options like Direct seeded Rice cultivation. Direct seeded crops require less labour and tend to mature faster than transplanted crops. In this method, plants are not subjected to stresses such as being pulled from the soil and re-establishing fine rootlets. However, they have more competition from weeds.
Seed treatment with Gaucho (Imidaclopride) insecticide makes the germination more robust. Use Gaucho@ 2.5 ml per Kg seed. For dry seed water required is 25 to 30 ml/kg Seed treatment gives protection to crop from sucking pests for initial stages and gives good vigour.
However seed rate varies from variety to variety. A seed rate of 10-15 kg per acre has been found optimum for DSR. For hybrids, 8 to 12 kilograms seeds can be used. If you are planning to plant hybrids, please choose suitable Arize brand hybrids for higher yield. The seeding depth for rice is critical and it should not be drilled deeper than 2-3 cm in dry DSR but depth of wet DSR seedling should be kept 3-5 cm. Fine-grain and Basmati cultivars require much less, optimum seeding rates. Planting has to be done with a seed drill. The row to row spacing should be 20 cm.
Rice is extremely sensitive to water shortages. Good management practices are critical to maximizing water efficiency and yield. Keep the soil moist but not saturated from sowing till emergence, to avoid seeds from rotting in the soil. After plants have developed three leaves, apply herbicide and keep water level constant. Later on, follow the safe Alternate Wetting and Drying practice. Water stress must be avoided during critical stages of seedling emergence, active tillering, panicle initiation, and flowering.
In direct-seeded rice, there will be more competition from weeds. Weed control is the most important aspect in DSR otherwise weeds will reduce the yields. Farmers have to apply pre-emergent herbicides at 2-4 leaf. stage of the weeds. Always mix clean water with herbicides before application. Refrain from using muddy water as this reduces herbicide efficacy. Council active (Triafamone 20% + Ethoxysulfuron 10% WG) is the new chemistry product which can be used within 5 days of Transplanting, it controls Broadleaf, Grassy weeds and manages Sedges.
One or two spot hand weeding can be done to remove weeds that escape herbicide application, prevent weed seed production, and the accumulation of weed seeds in the soil. During this time please do gap-filling of Paddy also and maintain approximately 45 plants per square meter.
The seedlings with zinc deficiency remain stunted and tiller less. First Identify the cause, if it is due to Zinc deficiency use basal dose 16 Kg of High zinc 33% or 25 Kg Zinc sulphate heptahydrate (21%). Or contact crop specialist. Iron deficiency causes chlorosis among seedlings which appears in the youngest leaf about three weeks after transplanting. Plants die and often the crop fails completely. Start giving irrigation once chlorosis appears and give 2-3 sprays of one per cent ferrous sulphate solution at weekly intervals (1 kg of ferrous sulphate in 100 litres of water per acre).
It’s an emerging practice to apply an insecticide such as a prophylactic solution for broad insect control. Use granular insecticides like Regent Ultra (Fipronil) 5 kilograms per acre to achieve prophylactic control of insects such as Stem Borer, Rice leafhopper, Rice gall midge and whorl maggot. Besides controlling the insects it also helps as a plant growth enhancer. Later on, other sprays or foliar insecticides can be applied.
To reduce disease incidence like sheath blight, blast, spray fungicides like Nativo (Tebuconazole 50%+ Trifloxystrobin 25% )w/w WG (75 WG)@ 80g/ acre or Folicure (Tebuconazole 25.9% w/w EC)300 g/acre or Moncern (Pencycuron 22.9% w/ SC )240 to 300 ml in 150 to 200 lit of water to control disease and also to reduce the incidence of dirty panicle in later crop stages.
Use effective insecticides to control brown planthopper. like Glamore (Ethiprole + Imidacloprid 80 WG (40+40% w/w) and Flotis (Buprofezin 25 SC) at recommended doses.
Harvesting should start with the maturity of the crop. Harvesting should be done when 80% of spikelets are ripened. If delayed grain may be lost due to damage from birds, lodging, rats and shattering. At the same, if harvested timely then it renders good quality, healthy grains with good consumer satisfaction. Also, it has been observed that less breakage of grain is there in case of healthy grains. The crop is harvested with 20% grain moisture.
Potato is one of the most important food crops in the world. Known as the “poor man’s friend” potato acts as a rich source of starch,
Bacterial blight is one of the most serious disease of rice. Yield losses due to bacterial blight ranges between 6-60% depending on disease severity and cultivar susceptibility.
In Cotton, due to heavy rains and presence of high soil moisture, wilting occurs. The wilt affected plants will dry first and die later.