Arize® AZ 6741
Arize® AZ 6741 New generation hybrid with innovative dual trait technology (native traits) First BPH & BLB tolerant hybrid in long duration (140-145 days) Non-aromatic medium slender grain High yielding hybrid Wider adaptability Can withstand partial waterlogging Suitable for late rainfall inland area
Arize AZ 6585
Arize AZ 6585 Early duration: 115-120 days maturity Long slender (LS) grain with excellent milling characteristics Relatively less water requirement Fits well with vegetable, potato, and wheat crop rotations Strong culm (stem) strength with better standability
Arize® Swift Gold
Arize® Swift Gold Resistant to BLB Mid early duration (125-130 days) High yielding potential hybrid Performs well in moisture stress conditions Long slender grain having good cooking quality High milling percentage >70% Notified by the Government of India
Arize 6129 Gold
Arize 6129 Gold India’s first BLB resistant short duration hybrid Consistently yielding 20-25% more than other high yielding varieties of same duration Early duration Hybrid (115-120 days) with more productive tillers High grain filling > 90% and more grain per panicle (275-300) Less water requirement and wider adaptability Fits well with vegetable, potato, and wheat […]
Grain Type
Long Slender
Grain Type
Medium Slender