Management of downy mildew and powdery mildew diseases in grapes
Grapes are an important crop in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and many states farmers are growing this crop.
Best cultivation practises for potato
Potato is one of the most important food crops in the world. Known as the “poor man’s friend” potato acts as a rich source of starch,
Management of cotton wilt disease
In Cotton, due to heavy rains and presence of high soil moisture, wilting occurs. The wilt affected plants will dry first and die later.
How to grow Direct Seeded Rice (DSR)?
The method in which seeds are sown directly in the main field instead of transplanting the rice seedlings is commonly referred to as direct seeding.
How to control bacterial diseases in rice
Bacterial blight is one of the most serious disease of rice. Yield losses due to bacterial blight ranges between 6-60% depending on disease severity and cultivar susceptibility.